Feliz Cumpleaños
(Happy Birthday)
Original Painting
5"x 7"
Encaustic & Cold Wax
Maple Frame
To inquire about collecting this piece, click the button below or contact me at missy@missytrippronquillo.com
"Feliz Cumpleaños" is a vibrant depiction of a birthday celebration set against the picturesque backdrop of San Miguel de Allende. This painting captures the exuberance and festivity unique to birthdays in this enchanting town. With every brushstroke, you can feel the excitement in the air, a palpable joy that resonates through the streets and fills every heart.
Birthday cake, lavishly decorated and crowned with candles that resemble mini fireworks. Their bright sparks mirror the bursts of laughter and merriment echoing throughout the canvas. As they light up, casting a warm glow over the festivities, they symbolize the birth of another year, another chapter filled with hope and adventure.
The ambiance of San Miguel de Allende, with its cobbled streets, historic architecture, and inherent charm, has drawn many to its embrace. The town itself becomes an integral part of the celebration, with its festive decorations, music, and dance all blending seamlessly into the birthday jubilation.
"Feliz Cumpleaños" is more than just a portrayal of a birthday party; it's a testament to the power of celebration, community, and the unforgettable memories created when shared with those we hold dear. It reminds us that every year is a gift, a new opportunity to embrace life, love, and friendship in all its colorful splendor.
To read more about the inspiration and meaning behind this painting and this collection,